Annual fees and WASA

We hope you are all keeping safe and well. The committee were told by Swim Wales yesterday that Swim Wales Club & Membership renewals will be processed as usual from 01 April 2020. (WASA) Membership fees include insurance cover which remains in place throughout this period as do the development staff employed by Swim Wales who support the membership across our 83 clubs and your 11,000+ club members. Please can you therefore ensure that you have paid your WASA fees to Ruth ( by the end of March 2020.

We also agreed last night that during this time we are not going to ask you to pay your monthly contribution to our annual fee. If you could all therefore cancel your standing orders so you don’t pay in April, we will ask you to reinstate these when we return to training.

Author: Caerphilly County Swim Squad

Club secretary and Coach

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