About – Squad fees and affiliations

Club Fees

The Management Committee has evaluate the fees on an annual basis and the fees for 2019 – 20 are as follows:

C Squad – Annual Fee of £360 = 12 monthly payments of £30

B Squad – Annual Fee of £480 = 12 monthly payments of £40

B1 Squad – Annual Fee of £540 = 12 monthly payments of £45

A Squad – Annual Fee of £660 = 12 monthly payments of £55

The above fees reflect the annual increase the club will experience in pool hire costs and it also considers the additional pool time made available to all swimmers.  Where there is more than one swimmer in a family in A, B1 or B squads, there will continued to be a discount of £4 per month

The above fees must be paid by a monthly standing order from your bank or building society. It is the duty of the parent/guardian to ensure that the correct fees are paid in accordance with the schedule above.  When changes are made to monthly fees, notices will be posted in e-mails from club treasurer. Checks are made on standing order arrangements on a regular basis. To avoid any embarrassment or difficulties we ask that all members are vigilant in relation to their own checking procedures Standing Order Form

Fees to CCSS are an annual fee that the club has spread over a 12 month rolling period for easy of payment.  On leaving the club, it is the parent/guardian and or swimmers responsibility to give 1 month notice in writing to the club Treasurer and Secretary, intention to stop payments – this is to ensure that all fees owing are paid up to date and the club are able to calculate for future outgoings in advance.

Swim Wales affiliations are as follows:

Category 1. £32 for swimmers under 10 years of age as at 31/3/2020  Or Category 2. £34 for swimmers aged 10 and over, as at 31/3/2020.

Swim Wales Affiliation is subject to change on an annual basis.